Video time lapse of dryness of the Aral Sea in the past 50 years

NASA has just shared the time lapse with data for 50 years to show how the former Soviet Union's Aral Lake has converted from sea to lake and into a dry ground, all due to indiscriminate exploitation. of human beings that should.

The video is taken from satellite images during the period from 1977 to 2018, showing that the lake waters once stood at the fourth largest among the internal waters in the world, matched by the Caspian Sea in Central Asia and the sea. Ho in Cambodia, with a production of 48,000 tons of fish a year in 1957, has turned into a barren land in recent years.

Picture 1 of Video time lapse of dryness of the Aral Sea in the past 50 years
Aral Sea is now only a dry land.

All these changes are made by the Soviet Union on the two rivers of Syr Darya and Amu Darya which are the two main water supply rivers for the Aral Lake . This happened in the 60s of the last century at the time when the Soviet Union changed the direction of production focused on cotton growing areas around the lake. The benefits are not seen much but the damage is immediately available, before adjusting the amount of salt in the lake at only 10g / 1 liter of water, when there is no more water added salt has increased more than 10 times, Up to 100g / 1 liter of water. This has caused extinction of the flora and fauna in the region, not only because of the high salt content of the surrounding land. Due to heavy salt pollution, in the 2003 study, the average life expectancy of the areas around the lake decreased from 64 years old to only 51 years old, the mortality rate was largely due to respiratory-related diseases by inhalation. must contain salt.

Later the Soviet Union collapsed, the Aral Region was divided into the North Aral Sea by Kazakhstan and the South Aral Sea managed by Uzbekhistan. And since then, people have also tried to turn around the situation at Lake Aral, where the water surface is only one tenth of what it used to be. In 1999 the World Bank spent $ 87 million to build the Kokoral dam in Kazakhstan to restore the North Aral Sea and helped to partially recover the region as the water level increased by 3.3m in just 7 month. Until 2016, the North Sea area produced annual catches of over 7,000 tons of fish.

But to the south of Uzbekistan's rule, it was not so fortunate. In 2014, the eastern area of ​​the Aral Sea was exhausted for the first time in 600 years. And with cotton still being Uzbekistan's main export item, bending the water to the Aral Sea in the south must be long.

In the Aral region, people have had a lesson about natural change at their disposal, but it seems that learning is much but not much experience, and as we are, we are still continuing to follow. the path of devastating nature to serve the benefit of humanity alone.