Virtual sex syndrome

Is there a new gender, but according to representatives of this group revealed that it changes by the hour?

Experts from the University of California at San Diego (USA) said that a new form of sex was discovered in humans. Accordingly, people of this gender are obsessed with the feeling of possessing a sex genitalia, or virtual genitalia syndrome . Known collectively as 'unreasonable sex change' (AGI), they say that their bodies suddenly change their sex from male to female and vice versa without control. 'Most of these bisexual people experience the feeling of possessing breasts like women or an external genitalia like men depending on the gender status at that time,' said Professor - Dr. Vilayanur Ramachandran, a specialist. veteran in the field of neuroscience.

Picture 1 of Virtual sex syndrome

Professor Ramachandran, Director of the University of California's Brain and Cognitive Center, and student Laura Case interviewed 32 people on a bisexual forum. One of the people in the AGI group said their moods and reactions varied according to the gender present at that time, according to Huffington Post. A person sharing, many times waking up in the morning has a feeling of carrying on the male genitalia, although in fact this object is female biologically. About one third of the participants (including 22 women, 21 men) said they could know in advance when a sex change occurred. The majority of transgender people are weekly, while 14 suffer more or more each day, according to the Medical Hypotheses report.

According to the Huffington Post, Dr. Ramachandran said that the study presents new aspects of sexual bipolarity in humans, but more research is needed before making a final conclusion. 'We need to eliminate the possibility that this is a variant of the racist disorder , or that these people simply' play another gender 'consciously' , according to Dr. Ramachandran. He also said: If the impact factor, the factual evidence in the form of hormones or brain data has not been discovered, experts do not know which object they are dealing with. The study also found that people with AGI tend to have bipolar and ambidextrous disorders. Experts now hope to begin to discover the situation through signs of tangible material, such as increasing the dose of testosterone.

The study is one of the scientific efforts to establish a new category for bisexual people. And Dr. Ramachandran is well known for his research on the mysterious phenomena in the human mind. Previously, he had discovered a situation called synaesthesia , indicating the ability of humans to mix senses together. For example, a person can taste words, while some people hear the color and feel the sound. This situation is affecting millions of people worldwide.