Visual illusion makes the world's most controversial dress appear again

Blue-black or yellow-white dress? The answer lies in your own eyes.

A few years ago, we have seen one of the most controversial events in the virtual world. That is the dark blue dress - this virtual white gold .

Picture 1 of Visual illusion makes the world's most controversial dress appear again
The most controversial dress of all time.

Time passed, it seemed that the story of the dress had settled down. But it seems that the controversy is blown up again, thanks to a recently shared photo illusion.

The picture was shared by Ruliweb - a website from Korea. In the picture are 2 girls, wearing two different dresses: a black blue, a white gold. The problem is that their colors suddenly . molt right before our eyes.

Picture 2 of Visual illusion makes the world's most controversial dress appear again
In the picture are 2 girls, wearing two different dresses: a black blue, a white gold.

It can be seen that when cutting a section of a dark blue dress and then grafting it to white gold, they match in a way . unbelievable.

The nature of this change comes from our ability to perceive colors . Accordingly, the way you perceive colors will vary depending on the color of the background. The reason is because the images you see are completely predicted by the brain, based on the information provided by the reflected light into the eyes. In other words, the image you see is not real, but the imagination from the brain.

Picture 3 of Visual illusion makes the world's most controversial dress appear again
The nature of this change comes from our ability to perceive colors.

This is also the reason why the famous blue-black, gold-white dress once caused so much controversy.

According to Andrew Lotery, professor of ophthalmology at Southampton University, the difference in color may be due to lighting conditions, equipment used to look at images, and even related to age and gender.

Light and equipment used affect the color of the wallpaper. But besides, each of us has the genes to feel the three basic colors: red, green and blue. And because those genes are on the X chromosome, women will have more gene combinations.

This means women will see a wider color range than men. Perhaps so, the majority of people who look at the yellow and white dress are women, while men find it hard to feel.

In fact, science has concluded that the famous dress is dark green. However, many people associate this visual illusion to a blue-black, gold-white dress for a while, and assume that the original color of the dress cannot be concluded, because it depends on the color perception of each people.