Walking way affects people's psychology

Walking with a step-by-step, definitive step, a high-headed head will help people have a better mood.

"It's not surprising that people's moods and emotions affect walking posture. But what we want to consider is whether the way of moving affects people's moods, " Psychcentral said. said Dr. Nikolaus Troje from Queen's University, Canada.

Picture 1 of Walking way affects people's psychology
Walking posture affects people's mood.(Photo: Fotolia)

In the study, a group of volunteers walked on a treadmill with the posture of a sad person, such as less movement of the hands and shoulder blades, lowering his legs every time he stepped forward. The other group walks with the posture of the happy person. Everyone is fitted with a secret meter to analyze and predict the mood.

Professor Nikolaus Troje and his colleagues gave a list of positive and negative words such as "beautiful" , "scared" and "worried" . The study participants were then asked to write Leave these words as much as possible.

The results showed that the group of people with boring walking patterns often remembered negative words more positive. The difference shows that this walking posture actually creates a depressed mood. The opposite is also true.

"Depressed patients always remember the negative things in life, especially about themselves. They always feel bad even while walking or moving. The sad walking postures make their moods worse. If you can break this cycle, we can offer treatments for depressed patients, " said Nikolaus Troje.