Those who diet and want to burn off excess fat in their bodies should sleep a little more, the effect will be obvious.

Illustration. (Internet source).
When dieting, people lose a similar body weight in both sleepless or low sleep, but people who sleep a lot will lessen the feeling of hunger. This is the conclusion of a scientific study published today in the Annals of Internal Medicine.
This study was conducted by the University of Chicago General Medical Center, on volunteers who were overweight and healthy, aged 35 to 49.
The study participants had a body mass index of 25, which was considered overweight. Eight people are divided into diets that meet 90% of the calories they need to maintain body mass and do not exercise. They have 14 days to sleep 8.5 hours, and 5.5 days to sleep only 5.5 hours.
The difference between the two stages is very clear.
When they wake up after 8.5 hours of sleep, half the weight lost is fat. When they slept 5.5 hours, only a quarter of the weight lost was fat, the rest were muscle cells.
Less sleep also makes it harder for volunteers, because the concentration of ghrelin - a hormone that stimulates appetite - increases.
" This is the first time, we have clear evidence of the impact of sleep duration on dieters, " said Plamen Penev, the lead researcher. " Never distract the way we sleep when dieting. Full sleep is a good way to support the diet ."