Wave your hand over the code

Whether it is an online banking, social networking or email account, all traditional codes can be replaced by waving to Intel technology.

For Intel, the world of technology in the future will have no code in the form of letters, numbers or any characters that must be entered manually.'The problem is that we use too much code, and must be both complex and non-identical for different websites,' Reuters quoted Sridhar Iyengar, Intel Labs' director of security research. just before the Intel Developer Forum in San Francisco (USA) recently. In order to eliminate the nuisance of having to memorize all the code in the context of people increasingly participating in many online services, Intel used biometric technology to install personal technology devices, from Ultrabooks, Tablet (tablet) to smartphone (smartphone).

Picture 1 of Wave your hand over the code

The new technology, dubbed "Customer Base Confirmation" , not only replaces the code but also enhances the process of logging into bank accounts, stock items and stored personal data. on cloud computing. Before the San Francisco forum, Intel introduced a tablet equipped with biometric sensors capable of identifying unique blood vessels on human hands. And the Director of Iyengar explained how to use the new technology before the forum. He waved at the screen of a tablet, installed technology developed by Intel, but did not touch it. When identifying a legitimate user, the tablet allows that person to access or securely trade with the bank, social network and the services they have an account with.

Picture 2 of Wave your hand over the code

In addition to Iyengar's introduction, Intel's Chief Technology Officer Justin Rattner confirmed that the world's leading chip manufacturer system outperforms current biometric identification, such as fingerprint scanning on computers. To enhance protection, technology devices will be fitted with sensors or accelerometers, to detect users who have left elsewhere and will automatically block all computer access with medium websites. work. Mr. Rattner also reassured those who were too distant to think about situations that often appear in movies today, when criminals cut their hands or saw people with access to bypass biometric systems.'The hand is cut and cannot be used to unlock it, because the computer only accepts blood circulation hands , ' Reuters quoted Intel's chief technology officer.

Rattner is the leader of a team of more than 1,000 scientists around the world, working together to exploit and offer new uses for Intel's electronic circuits, as well as future technology devices. Rattner's team gathers enough experts, including anthropologists, science fiction writers, to study people and visualize how they use technology that new-generation processors created by Intel. And hand-recognition technology is one of the few content presented by Rattner Director at the forum. He introduced sample technology to improve mobile phone relay stations, and effectively connect wireless devices to printers, tablets and monitors at home PCs.