Ways for people to become immortal

Cloning, impact on chromosomes or preventing aging are ways to help humanity enjoy eternal life.

>>>5 ways to become immortal in ancient myths

Impact on the end of the chromosome

The organism consists of many cells. In each cell there are nuclei. In the nucleus of the chromosome cells stick together in pairs. Humans have 23 pairs corresponding to 46 chromosomes. A pair of chromosomes consists of two strands of DNA rolled together like springs. DNA (Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid) carries many genes and is a coded indicator for the organism to know how to produce cells, other organs and how to operate them.

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Telomere (red) is the end of the chromosome.(Photo: spectracell.com)

Telomeres are located at the end of the chromosome. They also contain DNA fragments but not genes. Telomeres are responsible for protecting the ends of chromosomes and preventing them from sticking to each other - like plastic pieces on both ends that keep the rope from tying to the fiber. The ends of the chromosomes will be shorter after each cell division and the shortening process continues until the cell cannot divide and die.

However, telomerase, a special enzyme, is capable of maintaining and restoring telomere length, Healthday reporting. One study demonstrated that telomerase was "activated" in most cancer cells.

Telomerase begins to function when humans are still in the fetal form - the stage when cells divide rapidly. Before age 4 or 5, telomerase will stop working in most cells. That means the end of the chromosome will degrade over time, causing the old cells to eventually stop dividing. Consequently, we will die of old age. But thanks to telomerase, cancer cells not only do not die but also reproduce every day.


Picture 2 of Ways for people to become immortal
Artwork: popsci.com

Scientists have achieved great achievements with cloning techniques. Thanks to asexual reproduction techniques, humans can create living individuals with genetically identical multicellular structures. Of course, the mind of the copy cannot be identical to the original. Without a complete living individual, we can still clone the internal organs and transplant them into the body of the original. Human desire to live forever can become a reality thanks to that advanced technique, Popsci said.

Preventing the aging process

SENS is 4 acronyms for Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence . In the natural world, scientists initially used the concept of "aging removal" for lobster and water, because they did not undergo aging, Livescience said. Biologists studying SENS want to kill all diseases caused by aging. Their goal is not to create medicinal herbs to cure all diseases for people of all ages, but to create many therapies to reduce disease and aging process depending on the location of each individual.

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Lobster is not affected by the aging process.(Photo: blogspot.com)

To encourage research and find such methods, the Methuselah Foundation, a non-profit organization in the United States was born to extend the life of people, promised to award scientists with Can break the record in prolonging the life of mice - the foundation for long-lasting research. The current record is 1,819 days - an impressive number for an animal with a natural lifespan of just under a year.

Immortality thanks to evolution

Picture 4 of Ways for people to become immortal
Artwork: Livescience

Marios Kyriazis, a world-renowned biologist thanks to studies in the anti-aging area, believes immortality is an inevitable consequence of evolution, Newscarist said. The human brain will become more complex to be able to sustain the body for an infinite time. The aging process will slow down to slowly adapt to the new brain, and will eventually stop when our bodies completely evolve.