We have solved over 50% of cancers that cannot be treated with drugs.

50% of cancers cannot be reached by medication, because they metastasize too quickly and resist too strong.

One of the reasons for cancer to be difficult to treat, is because some mutated cells are so strong that they cannot be reached with drugs. They account for up to 50% of cases, continually producing antibodies that make the drug become ineffective.

But recently, with a breakthrough in medicine, experts from the University of California (San Francisco) solved this problem.

They created a drug that could slow the growth of lung, skin, intestinal and pancreas cells, thereby drawing a perspective on how to deal with those most stubborn cancer cells.

Picture 1 of We have solved over 50% of cancers that cannot be treated with drugs.
Every area of ​​the body has the ability to become cancer cells.

In fact, it is important to know that all areas of the body are also capable of becoming cancer cells. Simply because any cell capable of replicating carries the risk of mutation . And cancer is the uncontrollably mutated cell.

Specifically, cells in our bodies can heal themselves by forming more cells through the cloning process. This process is triggered by signaling pathways like telephone waves, but from cells.

One of these signals is called MAPK / ERK , with the role of "turning off" or "turning on" the split function. But if it is prevented, the cell will divide indefinitely, becoming out of control and forming cancer.

When it has become cancer, we have several ways to solve it. The best way is surgery and removal of the tumor. But sometimes the tumor becomes too big, attached to an important part, making the surgery story put aside.

In such cases, the answer could only be to use chemotherapy or radiotherapy to destroy cells dividing too quickly. But this is not the optimal option, because it cannot "reprogram" the cell division.

So, the idea is to influence MAPK / ERK, to turn off the process of cell division and help bring many cases of cancer back to normal. In the past, this idea has been tested but it's really hard, because MAPK / ERK signals can find other paths, making the intervention useless.

Picture 2 of We have solved over 50% of cancers that cannot be treated with drugs.
Cancer is the mutant cell that cannot be controlled.

But in this experiment, they succeeded.

The key here is to influence MAPK / ERK from an early stage, by blocking a molecule named SHP2 . Thus, they can turn off cell division signals without taking too much effort.

"Just blocking SHP2, we have a huge application block, targeting many different types of cancer compared to the present time" - Dr. Trever Bivona, research author.

In the experiment, cells were prevented from dividing, and even cancer cells could die in some cases.

In addition, in a mouse experiment (inoculated with human lung cells), the new drug allows the tumor to grow, slow it down, and from there "buy" more time for the patient to Radical treatment.