Whale whale in Norway

Countless humpback whales have jumped to the surface of the water while catching prey near the Norwegian coast in the past few days.

Picture 1 of Whale whale in Norway
Travelers and Norwegian people witnessed the first whale's collective performance in 2010. Then the same phenomenon continued in the following years.

Picture 2 of Whale whale in Norway
The study of humpback whales confirms that it is unusual for them to come close to the shore to tumble.

Picture 3 of Whale whale in Norway
Humpback whales often work together to encircle small fishes and destroy them.

Picture 4 of Whale whale in Norway
Being fascinated with prey, some humpback whales do not know that they are only about 10m away from the shore.

Picture 5 of Whale whale in Norway
Seabirds and killer whales also join the humpback whale's party.

Picture 6 of Whale whale in Norway
About 1,000 humpback whales feed in Norwegian waters and Barents Sea before moving south to breed.

Picture 7 of Whale whale in Norway
Humpback whales will operate near Tromso city until next January.