What are different thinking billionaires?

How to achieve true success, learn the way of thinking and thinking of billionaires!

Below is the sharing of entrepreneur Naveen Jain, founder of a series of successful companies including World Innovation Institute, Moon Express, Intelius and InfoSpace.

As an entrepreneur for a long time, besides being lucky to find success for a wide range of businesses, I am also honored to work and interact with some entrepreneurs who achieve unimaginable success in the world.

How are they? What helps them build a billion-dollar business empire? In my opinion, because they share some common points in both the way of life and work.

Here are some points like this:

Passion does not create success, what you need is real obsession

You may have heard someone say that success requires passion. I do not agree with this. Success in life is not about passion or not, it must be developed into obsession. If you can sleep well and wake up and tell people: I really love X or Y then you will never succeed.

If you have to talk about this, it is better from people around you, they say that you are too obsessed with something, not you tell them.

Pay attention to every little detail

Picture 1 of What are different thinking billionaires?

To turn a crazy idea into billions of dollars, obsession is not enough, you must always remind yourself to care about everything even the smallest. The truth is that in the early days of start-up, companies often fail because they miss very small details. Those who rarely fail often pay little attention to big pictures.

Getting acquainted with people has nothing like you

We often learn many things from people who are less like us, in environments other than us or even from a homeless person. Billionaires not only look and talk to people like them. They are always open and building relationships with all the people around their lives.

This is really necessary in daily life, attending a party or finding a partner and co-founder. Combining with a co-founder who is completely unlike you can help you offset the lack of expertise and skills. Also, when you have to pay attention to many things and things don't go smoothly, you need a person to support you.

There are always two ways to succeed

To become a billionaire, it is really easy to follow the general concept. You need to be a dream person to solve '10 billion 'problems or more. This is obvious, but how do you find a way to solve it in a large area? There are 2 ways to think:

One is to solve the problem affecting billions of people. If you can solve such a problem, even if it is only a matter of very small value, you still have a chance to become a billionaire.

The second way is to solve big problems but only for a small group of people and need huge amounts of money to solve them. For example, anticancer drugs do not affect billions of people, but few people with the disease have to spend a lot of money to treat.

The world works with friendship and honesty

Most people often hear old sentences such as: Knowing who knows us. But I think this statement is only partially true. In business and life, just knowing people is not enough. More importantly, whether the person is generous and honest with you.

Doing business, whether selling products or services, is important to make your partner believe that you are a reliable person. If other people enjoy and trust you, then even if there are unusual events then you can easily overcome.

In a relationship, quality beat the number

Some people think of sending as many cards and creating as many handshakes as possible. I looked at this issue in a different way. If in an event, you get to know more than 2 friends, I think you really don't have any friends. Building a small number but 'substance', a connection has a much more important meaning than a dozen common relationships.

In order to nurture and develop such great relationships to help you achieve really great things, you need to forget about the rampant connection and focus on deep conversations with some Few people on the topic you really care about.

Humility is a sure sign of success

In life, everyone has to struggle and strive to improve, but to win you have to be humble. The day you know you have achieved success is the day you become truly humble. That's when you stop providing the world and you yourself know you're trying to do something meaningful. Live a meaningful life, not just focus on pursuing money.