What is a slimy nightmare on American streets?

Just past an American highway has encountered a nightmare that is rated "horrifying and slimy". The cause is all because of this eel species.

Recently, a horrifying scene happened to people around the highway in Depoe Bay, Oregon (USA). At that time, a truck carrying 3.4 tons of unlucky eels encountered an accident. The number of eels poured into the road, causing a blockage for many hours.

The incident did not cause casualties. However, it is not uncommon for these eels to not be the "slime eel" species - hagfish . They caused such a hideous, slimy battlefield that anyone who saw them shuddered with horror.

Picture 1 of What is a slimy nightmare on American streets?
The slimy battlefield made everyone shudder.

It is known that this number of eels are on the way to export to Korea, the accident. And after the field photos were posted, it received the attention of a large number of netizens, most of whom wondered how these monsters were essentially animals.

So try to learn about the eel species - one of Earth's "oldest" creatures.

Eels - animals that existed 300 million years ago

Slime eel - English called hagfish . But even though it is called an eel, this animal is essentially a class of non-jaw fish . They also have another name, blind fish (or grouper).

Picture 2 of What is a slimy nightmare on American streets?
This is the "alley" in nature.

Most of the blind fish species live in cold waters in the world. There are 76 different species of blind fish with different sizes, and this is also one of the oldest species in the world.

According to paleontologists, eel eels have appeared 300 million years ago, with almost no difference in appearance from their descendants.

Picture 3 of What is a slimy nightmare on American streets?
Most of the blind fish species live in cold waters in the world.

This eel species does not have a skull, nor does it have a spine. And like its name, blind fish are . blind, they don't see everything clearly. However, eye spots are covered on the skin to help them feel the light.

But the name that makes up this animal's brand is still "mucus eel" . They have such a name because of the secretion of mucus when in danger. This mucus plays a role in protecting their bodies, making the enemy not daring to touch, or if they dare to grasp it, it is difficult to grasp.

However, what you did not expect here was the tremendous amount of mucus they could secrete.

Picture 4 of What is a slimy nightmare on American streets?
Each individual can "discharge" up to 19 liters of mucus, and almost immediately.

Dr Andrew Thaler, a deep-water creature researcher, said each individual could "discharge" up to 19 liters of mucus, and almost immediately.

The mucous secretions are lined along the sides of the body. With a large amount of mucus, even an eel can clog the gills, causing suffocation for even giant sharks.

Picture 5 of What is a slimy nightmare on American streets?
A slime eel tank in Korea.

It is known that science today is seeking to utilize the enormous amount of mucus of this strange eel to produce biological materials. For example, Benthic Labs, a US startup company, wants to turn mucus into a raw material for many things today - food packaging, ropes, medical dressings .

According to Benthic Labs, eel mucus fibers are 100 times thinner than human hair, but 10 times more powerful than nylon.

In addition, although the appearance and appearance are quite horror, but the eel eel is very popular in Korea.