What is cold hydraulic juice (cold press)?

Using cold-pressed hydraulic technology, it is possible to keep all nutrients and ensure the purity of fruit juice . So the trend of using cold press water is currently a trend for all those who "love health like gold".

Cold press juice (cold press juice) is currently a healthy eating trend that is very popular throughout the United States and it has also spread to Asia in some countries such as Hong Kong, Singapore, and Japan. , Korea, Thailand and even Vietnam

In the past when traveling, you must be very excited and excited about the simple stalls filled with clear plastic or glass plastic bottles with the color of body. These bottles of pure juices by this new method are not sedimented, do not separate and completely sugar-free and do not interfere with other additives.

Picture 1 of What is cold hydraulic juice (cold press)?
Compare 2 types of juice juice technology.

It is for this reason that this healthy juice craze has spread strongly and caused a new "movement", especially among young people, office workers . It seems like there has never been a vegetable. Fish and meat are pushed back as recently. In addition to being healthy, the juice also beautifies the skin, beautiful and too delicious.

Previously, fruits were often processed into vitamins with other additives such as sugar, milk, ice . to create a drink that was thirsty and greasy. However, it is the fatness of the smoothie that makes it step back before the birth of fruit juice.

Squeezing is a process that extracts water and nutrients from plant products and removes difficult digestible fibers. Without all the fiber, your digestive system does not have to work hard to break down food and absorb nutrients.

In fact, juice makes nutrients easier to absorb for the body in much larger quantities than whole foods. In the past, people used conventional presses (slow presses), which were centrifuges, rotated from 14,000 to 18,000 rpm.

Picture 2 of What is cold hydraulic juice (cold press)?
Compare the vitamin content of 2 juice juice technologies.

Because of the fast rotation, so in a very small time, frictional fruit should heat up. While vitamins in fruits and vegetables are vulnerable, in theory the traditional fast-pressing method will retain less vitamins. And the Cold Press method or the so-called slow-pressing method, it turns 45 - 55 rpm. This way of squeezing will keep fruits up to the maximum amount of nutrients.

If the juices were previously taken immediately after pressing, after 15 minutes, light and air would destroy most of the nutrients contained therein if not used. The cold press method changed this by increasing the shelf life of refrigerators for juices up to 3 days.