How much juice can I drink without harming my health?

Drinking about 200-300 ml of fruit juice a day is not harmful to health, but those who are trying to lose weight are better to say goodbye to this drink, because the juice contains quite high sugar content. tall, in the opinion of the doctors Sputnik consulted.

"In principle, you can drink juice every day. But there are some details to take into account - if the fruit juice is fresh, then the daily intake of 200-300ml is perfectly acceptable" - TSKH Alexei Bueverov talk.

Picture 1 of How much juice can I drink without harming my health?

In turn, Prof. Konstantin Eller explained that the juice is in the form of juicing and direct restoration . The second type, which accounts for about 90% of the market, is obtained from concentrated juice - evaporates liquids from regular juice, the juice is transported to processing and diluted with water, adding more. Natural flavors obtained during concentration.

In particular, the content of canned water is legendary - the expert added. After restoring the product, it is sterilized, heated quickly for a minute at high temperature, and then packed into containers.

According to him, the sugar content in juices averages 10-12%. Because of the large amount of sugar in juice, those who want to lose weight should stop drinking this type of water, experts recommend.

"The dangers of fruit juice contain the paradox that everyone considers it helpful. The carbohydrates in the juice penetrate the stomach very quickly and absorb into the bloodstream, then the drowsiness and if we drink it juice before going to bed, the excess carbohydrate is immediately converted into fat " - informed dietitian and therapist Elena Tikhomirova.

Doctors agree on the view that the best time to drink juice is in the morning and treat it as a dessert.

  1. Fruit juice is not entirely good, which can even lead to premature death
  2. Eat fruit or drink juice better?