Apple juice can prevent asthma

Children who drink lots of apple juice may have less asthma symptoms, according to the National Lung and Heart Institute research scientists. This is the latest study related to apple and lung health.

The study found that children who drank apple juice at least once a day could reduce the risk of wheezing compared to children who drank apple juice less than once a month. In addition, eating fresh apples does not bring any visible benefits to this problem.

The study was conducted where students aged 5-10 years in the Greenwich area of ​​London (UK), by asking their parents about their fruit eating habits and about the symptoms they encountered. Although there is no perceived link between drinking apple juice and the ability to reduce the description of actual asthma, the relationship between wheezing and drinking apple juice is clear.

Picture 1 of Apple juice can prevent asthma The occurrence of wheezing symptoms is one of the most important signs a child faces when there is a high risk of asthma, although many children with these symptoms then do not have asthma. A similar benefit, but worse, is found in children who eat bananas at least once a day compared to less than once a month.

Dr. Peter Burney, who led the study, said it could be 'phytochemicals' in apples, such as flavanoids and phenolic acids, which help to ease inflammation in the airways that are a major factor in breathing Wheezing and asthma.

In addition, another study by the University of Aberdeen found that women who ate a lot of apples during pregnancy could protect their unborn child from asthma later in life.