6 misunderstand about lemonade
Lemon juice is not only an effective beauty therapy for women, but it is also a miracle medicine with extremely good health effects. But most people have the wrong view of lemonade like drinking lemonade like taking vitamin C, making lots of new lemon for good health, when mixing lemon juice not using hot water, .
Here are the misunderstandings about this delicious drink.
1. Drink lemon similar to taking vitamin C
Although in fresh lemon contains a large amount of vitamin C but drinking fresh lemon is not drinking vitamin C and vice versa. Many people think of using lemon instead of multivitamins to improve their health. However, vitamin C is just one of the ingredients of lemon juice. This ingredient is cold, not good for people who can weld, have a history of gastrointestinal diseases or ulcers.
2. Mix lots of new lemon well
When diluting lemon juice to a certain extent, a slice of lemon peel can be mixed with 3-4 cups of water. When mixed in this style, the new lemon juice does not taste too bitter, no sugar or honey can still be drunk but the calories are low. Lemons must stay the whole shell, cut into thin slices, because the shell contains flavonoids higher than the flesh of the lemon. Moreover, lemon essential oil is mainly concentrated in lemon peel, when sliced thin, the aroma component of lemon peel easily flies out, while retaining antioxidants.
Because oranges are also one of the citrus fruits like oranges and tangerines, the lemon peel also contains flavonoid that is bitter. When it's hot after drinking a glass of lemon juice with a little bitter taste combined with a little sour taste, you will feel refreshed.
3. Do not use hot water to brew
Many people believe that, do not mix lemon juice with hot water, for fear of losing vitamin C. In fact, lemon juice cannot be too cold, otherwise the taste will not fly out. Because the acidity of lemon is quite strong, the heat resistance of vitamin C under acidic conditions is quite good, so it is not easily lost. If you mix lemon juice with a water temperature of 60 degrees, there's absolutely no problem.
Drinking warm lemon juice daily is the easiest way to supplement the amount of vitamin C you need every day as well as help your body function properly.
4. Lemon juice can cause stones in the body
According to some people, lemon juice cannot be eaten with calcium-rich foods, because calcium and citric acid can form precipitates, and even cause stones in the body, this thought is wrong. Because calcium citrate is soluble in water, according to the experiment, calcium citrate solubility is 0.02 g / 100g of water, which is unlikely to be high, but calcium citrate is a good material for making additional products. calcium, because it does not need stomach acid to help absorb into the body.
In fact, citric acid will not produce gravel like oxalic acid. In contrast, organic acids such as citric acid help absorb a variety of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and iron. The study also proves that citric acid also helps prevent kidney stones, and even is used in the treatment of gravel disease. kidney.
5. Stomach pain should not drink lemon juice
Some people think that people who have stomach pain cannot drink lemonade, because too strong acidity can stimulate the stomach, too much stomach acid is not good. But in fact, soaking a slice of lemon in a large pitcher, the lemon flavor is very light now, basically not sour, not to the point of causing stomach ulcers.
In addition, because citric acid helps absorb many minerals, Westerners like to sprinkle lemon juice on fish, meat, eggs . to help digestion . For those who are difficult to digest, add a slice of ginger in lemon juice , and drink it with meals to help promote digestive secretions.
6. Acidic lemon
Now, many people still wonder if lemon is an acidic food or alkaline food. Obviously drinking lemon juice tastes sour, PH value is also acidic, why is it still called alkaline food? That's because although citric acid has citric acid, citric acid can be converted into the body into carbon dioxide and water, then carbon dioxide is released through the airway, so the acidity is also removed.
And potassium and calcium ions in lemons are left in the body in the form of metal cations, so called 'alkaline foods'.
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