What kind of disease is that

Based on the personality of a person who can judge their health status? Exactly. Not only that, personality also greatly affects the health of each person.

According to psychologists, human personality is influenced by genetic factors and living environment. Basically can be classified into 8 categories below:

Positive person

Those are people who can always see ' water snails half full' .

A Japanese study showed that among a group of people who participated in weight loss, optimistic people were always the ones with the most weight loss. Researchers believe that optimists don't care much about their weight.

In addition, because of the nature of confidence and the way of looking, it always surpasses the situation, making this group of people very adventurous. This is also the cause of longevity. A research survey has shown that people who have a positive sense of humor often have a shorter lifespan than others, as they are more likely to be exposed to smoking, drinking, and alcohol habits. love high-risk things.

Picture 1 of What kind of disease is that

An anxious person

French and Canadian researchers found that those who are anxious are more likely to get stomach ulcers. People in this group often have a habit of relying on others, their mood is unstable, so it is easy to form a habit of smoking, drinking alcohol, at the same time, erratically eating, not getting enough sleep . These are easy leads to stomach ulcers. In addition, high-pressure cortisol hormones also cause headaches, hemorrhoids or cystitis.

It is noteworthy that a study of the relationship between sex and personality has shown that people in this group have the most 'love' frequency. In particular, women in this group tend to have only partners in a short time.

Sensitive person

A British study showed that male personality tends to be feminine, empathetic and often less stressed and difficult to suffer from cardiovascular disease.

Researchers evaluate based on the 'masculine' and 'feminized' aspects of men in areas such as leadership, adventure, possessiveness, empathy, and personality. sensitive . The results showed that the higher the feminine expression of men, the lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. According to the researchers, this is because this group of people knows emotions, and also knows how to seek help from outside.

People like debate

Or hostile and like to intrude are bad health characteristics. A Greek experiment pointed out that hostile women are more likely to develop breast cancer, and men are more likely to develop colorectal cancer.

According to the researchers, hostility and indignation easily wear away the body's immune system, making people more vulnerable to invasive disease. People who are more irritable have a 50% higher risk of cardiovascular disease than ordinary people. Their reaction to the pressure is also faster, more intense, making blood pressure and heart rate more prone to damage, causing damage to the cardiovascular system.


Men with an extrovert personality tend to have less cardiovascular disease, are more likely to spread the disease and are more likely to recover after being ill.

An extrovert knows how to face difficulties in life, once they feel unwell, they will immediately seek medical attention. The study also found that people in this group had 14% more births than normal people.

People are easily embarrassed

People who are easily embarrassed have a 50% higher rate of heart disease and wind damage than normal people. According to the researchers, this is because this group of people live a relatively closed life, often feeling great pressure when faced with a new living environment.

People who are easily embarrassed are susceptible to infectious diseases, and four seasons of the year are susceptible to colds.

Slowly man

British researchers found that the lower the IQ, the higher the risk of depression and schizophrenia. This may also be because people with low IQ can hardly understand the importance of healthy life.

The honest man

The proverb has the phrase: "Evil evil reporter" . An honest person can fully achieve 'goodness' for health. Diseases such as diabetes, sciatica, wind, parkinson . rarely bother them. Living habits of this group of people are also very healthy. They like to exercise, and are also very interested in a balanced diet.