What lips reveal something about your health?

The lips are not only used to kiss or express emotions with pouts, lips . but also provide information about overall health, according to Prevention.

Lips swollen

Using a new, irritating lipstick can cause swollen lips or eat some allergy foods as well as swollen lips. According to Keith Arbeitman - a dentist in Manhattan (USA), swollen lips can be a sign of allergies. At first the lips will look larger than normal and accompanied by signs of pain.

In the case of markedly swollen lips, you should seek medical attention immediately. Allergies often accompany some symptoms such as tearing, itching or rash throughout the body.

Picture 1 of What lips reveal something about your health?
Cold and dry air combined with excessive outdoor exposure can also cause the lips to become dehydrated and become dry, cracked.

Dry lips

According to Dr. Diane Madfes of the American Academy of Dermatology, lips with signs of dryness and cracking in the corner of the mouth suggest that you may be missing elements including zinc, iron, vitamins B3 and B6.

In addition, dry and cold air combined with excessive outdoor exposure can also cause the lips to become dehydrated and become dry, cracked.
However, this can be easily solved by drinking lots of water to compensate for the water shortage. At the same time, adjust your diet, such as adding red meat at every meal to supplement plenty of zinc and iron.

Mouth cracks

Drooling can be caused by painful cracks in the corners of the mouth that are also known as angina. If you grit your teeth, wear a denture or become drooling easily, moisture clinging to the corners of your mouth and sleeping is easy to cause yeast infections. Overnight yeast can cause the skin on the corners of the upper and lower lips to crack more deeply.

Ulcers around the mouth

If you are in a state of exhaustion or overwork, painful ulcers appear easily on your lips, especially during cold days or during your period. These ulcers show that the body's immune system is severely damaged.