Lip gloss can cause skin cancer

Instead of protecting the lips, the lipstick makes the lips absorb more intense ultraviolet rays, a dermatologist at Baylor University in the US said.

Your skin layer is very thin and prone to aging due to the sun's rays. Many people forget that they need to protect their lips with sunscreen as well as other skin rests, Dr. Christine Brown said.

Picture 1 of Lip gloss can cause skin cancer

(Photo: Daily Mail)

The likelihood of getting skin cancer on the lips is even worse because it is easily spread around lymph nodes.

Cases of skin cancer in the UK are increasing and most of them involve sun exposure. The disease can be cured if detected promptly.

Nina Goad, of the British Association of Dermatologists, said: "It is still thought that applying oils to the skin increases exposure to ultraviolet rays, so oil-containing lipsticks will also work. the same, similar".