Warning signs of skin cancer that you cannot see with the naked eye

In addition to the prominent symptoms on the skin, skin cancer can also be alerted through a number of symptoms that are harmless below.

is a disease that is not too dangerous and can be cured if you discover it early. However, in addition to the warning signs on the skin, you are also at risk of skin cancer if you encounter one of the following unnoticeable symptoms.

Meet breathing problems

Malignant tumors on the skin can also spread to the lungs and cause disease. When they enter the lungs, you will experience some breathing problems such as difficulty breathing, persistent cough . This is one of the symptoms of skin cancer that you should not underestimate because it is easy to mistake. mixed with some other pathologies.


Picture 1 of Warning signs of skin cancer that you cannot see with the naked eye

In addition to lymph nodes, the lungs, liver and bones can all be places where malignant neoplasms can spread. Therefore, if you have skin cancer, you may experience symptoms such as arthritis or joint pain.

Visual impairment

Melanocyte is a cell that produces pigment found in the skin and other parts of the body, including the eye. In some cases, primary cancer will appear in these areas and affect each area. So, when the malignant tumor grows inside and around the cells in your eyes, it is highly likely that you will experience the first visual impairment.

Appearing under the skin

Although you cannot see these tumors, you can fully feel them. The tumor usually develops around areas like the armpits, the neck . and it is a sign that the skin cancer has spread to the lymph nodes.

Refer to Careful with 5 abnormal signs of moles can also warn the risk of skin cancer

Regular abdominal pain

Picture 2 of Warning signs of skin cancer that you cannot see with the naked eye

Not only lymph nodes, malignant tumors can spread to your liver. At this point, you will feel a sharp pain in the upper right corner of your abdomen often and do not think you are at risk for skin cancer.

Headache pain

Like the eyes, the brain also contains Melanocyte cells. Therefore, the brain is also at risk of developing cancer cells. So, you may experience brain symptoms such as headache, seizures, cognitive problems . And that is one of the hidden signs of skin cancer that you don't unaware.