Arthritis is a time bomb for people under the age of 40 when they spend too much time on entertainment activities like chit chat and playing games.

Some degeneration will start early at age 25 - the age you still think is healthy and young.

You may feel surprised and skeptical about the true effect of placing a cold stone on your neck. But the reality has proven, it has more effects than you think.

Until now, the link between the burning of fingers, legs and arthritis is still a subject of debate, but it cannot deny some of its effects on the body.

Not only is a source of essential nutrition for humans, some foods are also precious natural medicinal ingredients, helping us to fight certain diseases such as modern medicine.

Thyme is a delicious vegetable and has many healing properties. It works to treat abdominal pain, diarrhea, arthritis, sore throat and many other diseases.

Scientists believe that regular brushing will reduce the risk of arthritis. The reason because the bacteria that cause gum disease and arthritis are related.

Arthritis is one of the most common diseases in middle-aged and older people.

Brown rice, its meaning, sweet potato, tofu, soy milk, pumpkin seeds, almonds, walnuts ... have a protective effect on the bone before the effects of toxic toxicity in arthritis.

Meditation can help the body reduce stress. But a recent study found that meditation also affects your genes.