Aspirin and some similar painkillers like ibuprofen and naproxen may reduce the risk of developing three main forms of skin cancer, a new study suggests.

On August 17, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officially approved the drug Zelboraf (vemurafenib) in the treatment of terminal cancer patients (unable to remove the

Scientists at the National Cancer Institute have identified a mechanism to help skin cancer cells destroy the immune system in mice.

Not arthritis associated with skin cancer but an anti-inflammatory drug can prevent the development of mutated skin cells that cause deadly cancer.

Australian scientists are about to embark on the largest study of skin cancer ever.

People who regularly use sunscreen are less likely to suffer from malignant tumors - the most dangerous form of skin cancer.

A new study by Australian scientists has revealed that essential oils extracted from tea plants can treat benign skin cancer.

According to the latest research by Norwegian and Brazilian scientists, low-intensity laser therapy is harmful to skin cancer patients.

The results of the University of Melbourne study show that kangaroos (Kangaroo) may be

Scientists in the UK have completed the complete genetic map of the two most common lung and skin cancers.