Australia will conduct a comprehensive study of skin cancer

Scientists at the Queensland Institute of Medical Research, home to the world's largest proportion of skin cancer patients, are about to embark on the largest study of the disease in Australia so far, with hope to allow doctors to predict each person's future risk of disease.

Picture 1 of Australia will conduct a comprehensive study of skin cancer
University of Queensland.

The Australian National Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) on December 6 cited statistics that this year there will be more than 400,000 people diagnosed with one of the types of skin cancer, of which the most dangerous form of cancer is Melanoma (melanoma) will kill more than 1,000 people.

Speaking to ABC , Associate Professor David Whiteman from the Queensland Institute of Medical Research said that in addition to exposure to sunlight, a number of other factors have also led to skin cancer.

Some genetic factors also affect the risk of skin cancer, whether they are olive or darker.

For different types of skin cancer, especially malignant neoplasms, there are important stages in each person's growth that affect the likelihood of developing skin cancer. In childhood and adolescence, the influence of sunlight is very dangerous for skin cells.

Future research will be carried out based on the results of surveys explaining the time of exposure to sunlight, freckles, moles, skin types, medical history of families and individuals. another factor.

By combining this information with health care materials, researchers hope to reproduce a more complete picture of the factors that greatly affect the risk of skin cancer.

At the same time, the team will try to develop a tool to help doctors and patients predict the risk of this serious disease, as well as help scientists better understand skin cancer.

The Queensland Institute of Medical Research hopes to collect data from more than 200,000 people in more than a decade.