Cure skin cancer with genetically modified viruses

A recent study published by British scientists suggested that the virus that causes herpes after genetically altered its ability to treat skin cancer. This therapy increases patient life and causes fewer side effects, according to The Guardian.

Treatment for new skin cancer with genetically modified viruses

The study was conducted in many parts of the world, conducted by the British Cancer Research Institute (ICR) . The study confirms that the genetically modified T-VEC virus can effectively treat skin cancer.

Picture 1 of Cure skin cancer with genetically modified viruses
Treating skin cancer with genetically modified virus - photo 1 of a picture of cancer cells - (Photo: Shutterstock)

Scientists have been clinically tested for more than 3 years at 64 centers in the US, Canada and South Africa. New treatments can be used in 2016, according to The Guardian.

T-VEC is a genetically modified virus from herpes virus. Inside cancer cells, they multiply in large numbers and destroy cells. Later, they spread out around, stimulating the immune system to attack and destroy the tumor.

Scientists transform by eliminating 2 important genes of the virus, making them unable to reproduce in healthy cells. Therefore, normal cells can detect and destroy T-VEC before it starts to harm.

More than 400 patients participated in the study. They received T-VEC every 2 weeks continuously for 18 months. Patients with flu-like symptoms appear, but these side effects are thought to be much softer than other treatments.

This therapy is opening up hope for many people. According to a report of the World Health Organization (WHO), the world has about 232,000 people with skin cancer. In which, 88% of patients died after 5 years of detection.