Using genetically modified foods is prone to cancer

Scientists and public opinion are "waking up" after a new study published by France confirms that mice fed genetically modified corn are selling in the market throughout their lives with cancer and suffering. countless injuries on the body.

>>> Thegene of genetically modified corn is harmful

The study was carried out by experts from Caen University in France and has been censored by a number of independent scientists to ensure that tests are conducted properly and the results are reliable.

Mice that eat genetically modified corn throughout their lives have had cancer and suffered countless injuries on their bodies.

This is the first time researchers have examined the effect of eating genetically modified food throughout the life of mice (lasting for 2 years). So far, evaluations of the safety of new genetically modified foods rely on mouse-feeding trials lasting 90 days.

The corn used for the study is a genetically modified type that is resistant to glyphosate spray, the key chemical in Roundup herbicide. It is conceived that the corn can be sprayed with Roundup without any harm, while the grass is destroyed.

Picture 1 of Using genetically modified foods is prone to cancer

According to the Daily Mail, the team led by molecular biologist, Professor Gilles-Eric Seralini, who is opposed to the genetic modification method, gave a group of experimental mice a NK603 transgenic corn, including those with or without Roundup herbicide - this group is numbered 1. The rest of the experimental mice were fed a 'clean' diet, ie without genetically modified corn or herbicide spray - This group is numbered 2.

Comparing the results, the team found that about 50% - 80% of female mice in group 1 developed large tumors at the beginning of the 24th month, possibly up to 3 tumors each. Meanwhile, only 30% of mice in group 2 developed tumors. Up to 70% of female mice group 1 died prematurely, compared to only 20% in group 2. Large tumors occurred in female mice group 1 after 7 months, while in group 2 after 14 months. These tumors are harmful to health because of their large size, making it difficult for mice to breathe and digestive problems.

What's more, most tumors in experimental mice can only be detected after 18 months, synonymous with long-term feeding trials.

Representative of the group said, genetically modified corn and herbicides ' could have caused hormonal disorders through the same biochemical and physiological pathways'.

The team claims that their work raises great doubts about the safety of genetically modified food as well as the commitment and reassurance of governments and biotech companies.

The Daily Mail newspaper has long launched the Frankenstein Food Monitoring campaign to highlight issues related to the lack of strict safety testing for genetically modified products.

According to the newspaper, although genetically modified corn is widely used in the United States, British consumers have turned their backs on the technology because of its impact on human health and the environment. And although not sold in UK supermarkets, genetically modified corn is still used to feed farm animals such as chickens, pigs and dairy cows, which can still indirectly absorb genetically modified products. .