Genetically modified salmon in the US is controversial

The US government officially approved the plan to produce genetically modified salmon, the first genetically modified animal used as food for humans.

Genetically modified salmon is officially approved in the United States

According to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), salmon is modified based on the genes of two other fish to promote growth, a safe and nutritious source of food like all Great Trout species. Atlantic in another nature.

Picture 1 of Genetically modified salmon in the US is controversial
The US Food and Drug Administration said that salmon is genetically altered safely and nutritionally as much as natural salmon species.(Photo: Reuters).

The process of breeding and raising genetically modified salmon takes place at Canadian and Panama land-based safety facilities to prevent fish from blending into the wild environment.

AquaBounty, the biotech company behind genetically modified salmon, said the US government's approval decision has an important impact, helping to provide healthy and nutritious food to consumers without destroying the great. positive and other marine habitats.

Genetically modified salmon carry genetic material from two other fish species - Chinook salmon and seabass - allowing them to grow almost twice as often as regular salmon with less food. As expected, genetically modified salmon will not be available in stores in the next two years, the FDA is not sure if retail stores want to sell the fish and whether or not people will accept it.

Picture 2 of Genetically modified salmon in the US is controversial
Critics stress genetically modified salmon could be harmful to the environment.(Photo: Reuters).

Critics claim that genetically modified salmon can harm the environment and the wild salmon fishing industry. Lisa Archer, director of the Environmental Protection Agency's Friends of the Earth's food and technology program, criticized the FDA's decision as flawed and irresponsible.

"Genetically modified fish has no place in our dinner. We will continue to work to ensure the market, from vegetable retailers to restaurants, to the side of the majority of customers who do not want to eat species. Genetically modified fish has not been fully studied, " Archer said.