Countering genetically modified corn causes cancer in mice

After information on studying a genetically modified corn could cause cancer mice, scientists around the world said that it was the result of little reliable scientific evidence.

>>>Using genetically modified food is prone to cancer

A French science group led by molecular biologist Gilles-Eric Seralini, Caen University, in Normandy divided 200 mice into 10 groups, each with 20 animals and fed them a different menu, NK603 (corn genetically modified, NK603 corn is sprayed with Roundup herbicide (Monsanto agricultural products, USA) during planting, water with Roundup herbicide and genetically modified corn (control group).

As a result, rats fed with NK603 modified corn had up to 50% to 80% cancer. This is the first time a genetically modified product has demonstrated long-term health effects.

The information after being published has encountered many objections by scientists around the world. Page Discovery quoted biotech expert Martina Newell-McGloughlin, University of California, USA: 'There is very little scientific evidence in research.'

Picture 1 of Countering genetically modified corn causes cancer in mice
Scientists believe that corn research changes
The gene of the Normany group of scientists is not yet validated.

According to Professor David Spiegelhalter, University of Cambridge, UK, the number of control groups is too small, only 10 male mice and 10 female mice."I was surprised why the study was published. I found the method, statistics and reporting results were all below the standard I expected in a rigorous study. I could not accept the results. This, except the research is reworked properly, " said David Spiegelhalter.

On the BBC, Professor Anthony Trewavas, University of Edinburgh pointed out that the experiment used only 200 mice, the number of samples was only 10. The sample is too little to draw conclusions."According to the research standards of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the number of samples needed in the experiment is 50 per group".

"In addition, in principle, in any case of comparison, the number of reference samples must be equal to the number of test samples. Such a comparison is lame."

Professor Maurice Moloney - Rothamsted Research Institute director said that rats should not be selected for research. According to him, the white rat Sprague-Dawley has a 2-year lifespan, often appearing these tumors when overeating and uncontrolled. In fact, 86% of male mice and 72% of female mice often had cancer when they lived until the second year.

Some scientists around the world ask the question, if corn is genetically modified to cause cancer, why is the rate of cancer in the US not higher than in Europe while Europeans eat less modified food? gene than America.

In 2009, the Genetic Organism Panel of the European Food Safety Authority concluded that corn NK603 'is as safe as conventional corn'. Previously, Food and Chemical magazine also published research results confirming 'non-existent adverse health effects of mice fed transgenic corn' with shorter study time - 90 days. This is the standard study period on rats.

However, the debate about the risk of genetically modified plants affecting the health of people who continue to continue has not come to an end.