A genetic variant inherited from the extinct Neanderthal genus may increase the risk of diabetes in the South American community.

The situation of genetically modified insects to adapt to genetically modified crops in the field is more complicated in the laboratory, a new study has said.

In 2017, Ana Vela (Spanish citizen) died at the age of 116. She is the oldest living person in Europe; is the 3rd person in the world, and also the symbol of this country's

A recent study has shown that babies with larger heads than average will be very smart and have a successful future.

Many people have long wondered why some people are capable of twins, while many others do not. Recently, the researchers revealed that a number of genes have been found to

A scientific study by Bulgaria announced on January 14 said that a sense of national level happiness is caused by a special genetic mutation.

A recent study published by British scientists suggested that the virus that causes herpes after genetically altered its ability to treat skin cancer. This therapy increases the