How does skin cancer destroy people?

Continuously exposed to the sun without self-protection, Judy Cloud, 49, of the United States, has skin cancer and decides to share the impact of the disease on the body to warn the community.

In total, Cloud has 23 cancer points on his face, chest, arms, calves and $ 27,000 for surgery. Having just undergone a fourth operation, she admitted this was the result of frequent skin dyeing and not using sunscreen.

Picture 1 of How does skin cancer destroy people?
Cloud before and after surgery removes cancer points.(Photo: shared character).

According to Self, Cloud spends a lot of time outdoors. From the age of 20, she dyed her skin 4 times a year. In the family of cancer sufferers, Cloud remains subjective that he cannot get sick.

In 1995, Cloud was stunned when the examination revealed that she had basal cell carcinoma , a form of skin cancer. Since then, the war has begun. The woman had to go to the hospital, performing 4 surgeries in order to remove all the pathogens, including cutting her mouth muscles and moving nerves. "Look at these pictures. That might be you. Anyone can get skin cancer, including skin people. It's wrong to think only white people get sick," Cloud warned.

Picture 2 of How does skin cancer destroy people?
The body is full of Cloud's post-operative wounds.(Photo: shared character).

After the last surgery in September last year, Cloud could not wash for 2 weeks and could not open his mouth for 4 weeks. Wounds all over her body took a long time to recover.

In the United States, skin cancer is the most common form of cancer. To prevent disease, you should avoid sunlight from about 10am to 4pm, limit skin dyeing, use sunscreen and check skin monthly to detect abnormal signs in time.