What to do when you discover you're swimming with sharks?

Although this ability is very rare, nothing is impossible.

During the hot summer days, the idea of ​​swimming in some sea area is really fascinating. However, the ocean is an immense world, with many hidden mysteries and risks. There is no guarantee that the waters you visit are really safe. Sharks can stray along the ocean currents, which they themselves do not know.

What to do if you suddenly see images that often startle us on the screen, but are now clearly visible: a shark fin jutting out of the water?

Here are some skills to help you cope with this situation when many of Vietnam's seas have sharks and this is even more necessary when you travel abroad.

Picture 1 of What to do when you discover you're swimming with sharks?


The first and only plan to help you protect yourself is calm. This is extremely difficult because it is not easy to keep your mind clear, limbs are not frozen when you see sharks playing in front of your nose. However, if you want to survive, you must do this prerequisite. It can be assured in part because sharks never attack without cause.


If you are fishing or have any other prey to fool the shark, hurry up and throw it right away. Usually sharks prefer these foods rather than eating you.

Avoid sight

If you find that the shark is approaching, quickly get out of the water. But always remember the mantra: Calm down! Of course anyone wants to escape quickly, but that is not a wise way. Just calm down and slowly, try not to catch the fish's attention, avoid yourself from its sight.


If you have a group, swim close together. A group of people will make the shark more afraid to see the enemy alone.

Shield yourself

In the worst case, you need to be aggressive to stay safe. If the shark attacks you, use all that is around you to shield yourself and its teeth. A stone, surfboard, paddle, etc. anything that can be blocked into its mouth.

Attack on weak points

The weakness of sharks is the eyes and the gills . If there is no other way, attack its two points. Now is the time to do everything to escape. Do not play fake games because only damage to yourself.

Often sharks do not prey on humans, they prefer other foods such as fish, shrimp, crabs, squid . Though hard to believe, the vast majority of cases when accidentally swimming near people they often . ignore them. The number of times humans were attacked by sharks was 1 / 3.7 million, many times lower than the rate of being hit by lightning is 1/12 thousand.