WHO confirmed cases of bird flu spread from person to person

A Declaration from WHO on December 27 said tests in special laboratories in Cairo and London confirmed bird flu infection from people to people in a family infected with bird flu. Pakistan. WHO also said the virus does not have a greater risk of infection.

According to a WHO spokesman in Geneva, brothers in Pakistan look after another brother Picture 1 of WHO confirmed cases of bird flu spread from person to person Avian influenza infection and close contact with this person at home and in the hospital. One of them died on November 23.

This is the first case of H5N1 infection from person-to-person in Pakistan, while other similar cases have been confirmed in Indonesia and Thailand that WHO calls close contacts in a very limited area.

World health experts fear that the avian flu virus, which kills 211 of the 343 infected people, could mutate into a form easily spread from one person to another, causing pandemics. killed millions.