Who is at risk for pancreatic cancer?

The departure of Steve Jobs is related to a condition known as pancreatic cancer that is very rare. So who is at high risk of getting this disease?

Picture 1 of Who is at risk for pancreatic cancer?
Steve Jobs was forever gone at age 56 because of pancreatic cancer

No one knows exactly what causes pancreatic cancer. Doctors rarely explain why this person is infected and the other person does not. However, it is clear that this disease does not spread from person to person. The following are some factors that affect the risk of pancreatic cancer in each person, drawn from the research of scientists:

The ability to develop pancreatic cancer comes with each person's age. Most cases of pancreatic cancer occur in people over the age of 60.

Smokers are two to three times more likely to develop the disease than those who don't.

The risk of pancreatic cancer in diabetics is also higher than for normal people.

Men are more likely to develop pancreatic cancer than women.

Compared to Asians or Hispanics, white people have a much higher proportion of African-Americans.

If the parents, sister, brother in the family have pancreatic cancer, the risk of getting this disease will be 3 times higher. At the same time, if the family history also has colon cancer or ovarian cancer, the risk of pancreatic cancer is also increased.

Chronic pancreatitis is a painful form of the pancreas. Some evidence has shown that this is also a risk factor for pancreatic cancer later.

In addition, people who have been exposed to workplace chemicals or who have a high-fat diet also increase the chance of this cancer going on.

After checking all of the above factors, if you suspect you are at risk, seek a doctor immediately so you can find a solution to limit the risk and provide a suitable plan for testing. check later.