WHO warns of the risk of an outbreak of H7N9

The new variant of the H7N9 bird flu virus, which has erupted in China in recent times, is a serious threat to humans.

Experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) on May 1 made the statement at a press conference in London, England.

Picture 1 of WHO warns of the risk of an outbreak of H7N9

According to experts, the H7N9 influenza virus is a highly virulent strain that can cause a global pandemic. Currently, humans are likely to be infected with poultry H7N9, and no evidence has been found that the virus is transmitted from person to person.

However, influenza virus H7N9 has two types of gene mutations, which increase the ability to spread from person to person. If this happens, this will be a condition for human H7N9 pandemic.

A scientist working at the National Institute of Medical Research said that the H7N9 influenza virus spread freely in a long-lived environment, the greater the risk of it spreading from person to person.

Meanwhile, Peter Openshaw, director of the Center for Respiratory Diseases Research at the Royal College of London, said the epidemic is complicated. If the H7N9 flu spreads more widely, this outbreak will become very dangerous.

Experts also noted that patients infected with influenza H7N9 of all ages, indicating that no age can be immune to this strain.

According to WHO data, in China, there have been at least 125 cases of H7N9 flu, of which 24 died.