Whoever has the highest and lowest life expectancy in the world

Citizens of Monaco have an average life expectancy of 89.52, while those of Chad Republic live only on average 49.81 years.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the average life expectancy of the global population in 2015 is 71.4, up 5 years in the last 20 years. This is said to be the result of efforts to improve health care for children along with the creation of better drugs.

Picture 1 of Whoever has the highest and lowest life expectancy in the world
In Japan, people have the second highest life expectancy in the world with an average age of 84.7.(Photo: Chung Sung-Jun).

In 224 countries listed on the US World Factbook, in 2015 citizens of Monaco reached the highest average age of 89.52, whereas citizens of Chad lived only with an average of 49.81 years old. Also according to WHO, African people live only to the average age of 60.

According to Medicaldaily, factors that affect age include living areas, mental health, drugs, violence, nutrition, drinking water, traffic accidents, sexual health and reproduction, umbrellas. environment, vaccine .

Gender also plays an important role in life expectancy. In 2015, the average life expectancy of women is 73.8, while men are 69.1. In the Americas, women live an average of 79.9 years, while men have an average life of only 74.

Countries with the highest life expectancy and low click world

Picture 2 of Whoever has the highest and lowest life expectancy in the world