Why are only some places growing the best coffee in the world?

Coffee connoisseurs all know, the most delicious pure coffees come from a few places on Earth. So, why are only a few countries like Guatemala, Costa Rica, Colombia, Brazil, Ethiopia or Indonesia able to grow the best quality coffee in the world?

It is no coincidence that Guatemala, Costa Rica, Colombia, Brazil, Ethiopia or Indonesia can produce the most delicious pure coffee in the world. According to experts, each of these countries is located in different parts of the world, but they all have one thing in common: All are located on a range of tropical regions along the equator, called " Coffee belt ".

Picture 1 of Why are only some places growing the best coffee in the world?
The best quality beans are grown in a range of tropical regions along the equator, called "Coffee Belt".(Photo: Tech Insider).

Most of the best quality coffee beans are harvested from crops in the highlands, at latitudes 25 degrees North and 30 degrees South than the equator. And of course, there is a scientific reason that explains why coffee grown in this area has a better taste than coffee grown elsewhere.

Coffee expert Sam Lewontin said the coffee tree was considered "picky and picky" and very picky about the best place to grow. The most delicious coffee beans originate from plants not only in warm, humid tropical environments, but also in high terrain, ideally 1,300 - 1,400 meters above sea level.

Warm days and cool nights that characterize this alpine but tropical environment have "shocked" natural chemicals (including organic acids, aromatic compounds and sugars), creating flavors. Delicious for coffee beans. Their great blend will then be released into your cup of coffee when you make drinks.

The magical combination of temperature, humidity, precipitation, terrain elevation and soil quality affects coffee so much that this coffee plant can have a very different flavor than coffee. Other coffee grows a few meters away.

Areas such as Central and South America, East Africa, Pacific and India are famous for possessing the above perfect conditions for coffee and are also home to the premium quality coffees of world. However, as global temperatures continue to rise, these golden lands for coffee are increasingly threatened.

Picture 2 of Why are only some places growing the best coffee in the world?
The coffee tree is considered to be fastidious about the best growth place.(Photo: Slate).

One thing we are starting to see is, the fertile coffee belt is moving to higher places. "Elevation limits in places that are considered to be the cradle of producing the best pure coffee are increasingly narrowed," Mr. Lewontin said.

Warmer temperatures are also creating ideal conditions for the proliferation of coffee-killing diseases, such as deciduous rot called "roya".

Coffee producers around the world are experimenting with different varieties of hybrid coffee, able to grow and resist some of the negative effects of global climate change. Mr. Lewontin hopes, these efforts are enough to save high-quality coffee trees in the coming decades.