Why bad habits are hard to give up?

Everyone knows how dangerous it is for cigarettes, sunshine, eating and drinking, but few people give up. According to scientists, bad habits are hard to quit because people like to live quickly, no need to know the future.

People who are attached to a bad habit may have a need to adapt to society, not understand the nature of danger, a personal vision of a poor world, not being able to curb the lack of habits. healthy or genetically addicted. All of these causes have pushed people, especially young people, into the path of self-destruction instead of prolonging their lifespan.

"We found that people cannot change their habits and behaviors not because of lack of information about health risks, but because they have short-term vision, prefer to live quickly and do not need to know. The future, " commented Cindy Jardine, a University of Alberta professor. In a new study, the leading group of Jardine scientists surveyed 1,200 people in the Alber, Canada from 1994 to 2005 about their perceptions of bad habits. Many people have classified lifestyle habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol, more dangerous sunbathing to destroy the ozone layer and chemical pollution.

In another study conducted in 2006, scientists asked a group of Canadians about what kind of dangerous behavior they judged, most of them thought that driving when menopause can cause Serious harm to me and others, however, they themselves often do so.

Jardine explains this contradiction as follows: When a bad habit accepted by society or "everyone is doing it" it is very difficult to give up. People often argue: "I know it is not good for my health but if I want to integrate into a community that is so numerous, I have to do the same. This explains why, students play in groups. Smoking is also affected, or if you play with a group you like to play at night, it will also affect you. "Instead of forcing the whole group to change with you, young people tend to follow what the majority have done. do more ", Jordine commented.

Picture 1 of Why bad habits are hard to give up? In addition, personal experiences are also an excuse to help people keep a bad habit. Smokers see: "It's been a long time, it's okay" or "The smoking Prime Minister Churchill still lives up to 90 years old". People who eat a lot of obesity say, "I still eat it for a long time and I don't see anything." The concept of harm in the future is very strange to them.

Since 2004, Jardine has found that stress is more harmful to humans than cigarette smoke."Most of us allow life to be as stringy and proud to be busy like that. They forget that stress is both harmful to health and not good for family and social relationships. But Unfortunately, some people consider flooded work to be a measure of success , "he said.

There is no vaccine or solitary measure to eliminate bad habits

Disease or death due to harmful substances or bad habits is well known. But those who read and understand specific statistics are more likely to give up their bad habits than those who cannot read but only hear a vague advice.

Another effective way to remove bad habits is to spread impressive images of their irreversible harms. A study by the American Heritage Society found that a 22% reduction in the number of smokers among young people between 2000 and 2002 was due to such campaigns.

There are no vaccines for bad habits other than avoiding them. According to scientists, want to pull people, especially young people, from bad habits and behaviors, need to coordinate many measures together.

Bad habits and bad behaviors are not only in normal people. Even the richer, the more famous, the more people become susceptible to bad habits due to the nature of the work and the opportunity to learn more.