Wisdom is fatal and the danger is not known to everyone

It is estimated that about 85% of wisdom teeth will be extracted instead of allowing it to last for the rest of your life.

Professor, Dr. Trinh Dinh Hai - Chairman of the Vietnam Odonto-Stomatology Association, Director of the Central Odonto-Stomatology Hospital, said that the number of people who seek hospital care and extract teeth is very high.

If before, people self-treat wisdom teeth, buy drugs or let their teeth grow "free", both sides are devastated, they cannot find dentists and now they actively seek doctors.

Professor Hai said, if not treated completely, " wisdom teeth" become dangerous because wisdom teeth can be fatal due to blood infections.

Professor Hai has met many patients with a whole face because wisdom teeth grow wild but patients do not know how to treat it. And there are people who died just because of wisdom teeth.

Picture 1 of Wisdom is fatal and the danger is not known to everyone
"Wisdom teeth" become dangerous because wisdom teeth can be fatal due to blood infections.

Wisdom teeth are also called number 8 teeth. Each person's teeth have 32 teeth, the last tooth is number 8. Because the teeth grow later, in case the jaw is missing, the teeth often deviate causing complications, especially the lower jaw wisdom teeth.

According to GS Hai, when teeth grow smartly, it is best to remove them because this number 8 does not seem to work in chewing food. Everyone who only uses the number 7 toothbrush is enough. Some wisdom teeth do not cause pain but grow close to the inside, when oral hygiene does not reach the place, it causes tooth decay, affecting other teeth.

Therefore, when determining wisdom teeth do not grow in the right direction, it is advisable to uproot as soon as possible, because this tooth can cause inflammation around the crowns . In many cases, it is far from the tooth No. 7 (there are cases that tooth No. 7 cannot be kept). So early extraction will help tooth No. 7 not be affected.

The extraction of wisdom teeth is more difficult and important than other teeth, so patients must choose reputable facilities to be treated by doctors.