With 15,000 teeth - this is the world's most toothed creature

Make sure you will be surprised when this is the most toothed creature in the world - not sharks or crocodiles, hippos!

If you were asked which animal has the most teeth in the world, what would you answer? It's a shark, crocodile, whale shark . but if that's the case, you're completely wrong.

Needless to say, the teeth here are not just teeth in the mouth but the whole body of the organism.

But yes, you should stand still because you will be shocked to know this truth.The world's most toothed creature will be the one you can't expect - it's slugs and snails.

Picture 1 of With 15,000 teeth - this is the world's most toothed creature
The snail.

According to statistics, they have between 2,000 and 15,000 microscopic teeth that scientists call micro teeth.

These microscopic teeth have chitin, which forms the exoskeleton of arthropods (insects and crustaceans), and it is this substance that makes them look like a shell.

Picture 2 of With 15,000 teeth - this is the world's most toothed creature
Micro teeth of snails.

These micro teeth line up in muscle fibers called radula , an organ similar to the human tongue, and are used to scrape stones (for microalgae), plants or even other animals to retrieve. foods.

Picture 3 of With 15,000 teeth - this is the world's most toothed creature
Snails and their teeth.

For this species, the teeth are not used to chew like humans or to grab prey like predators, but they are used to scrape and shred food.

According to a survey by the Department of Engineering at Portsmouth University in Great Britain, these micro teeth have a strong resistance comparable to those of superhard materials that humans have produced.

Picture 4 of With 15,000 teeth - this is the world's most toothed creature
These micro teeth have strong resistance equivalent to super hard materials.

Picture 5 of With 15,000 teeth - this is the world's most toothed creature Picture 6 of With 15,000 teeth - this is the world's most toothed creature
Images of snail teeth under a microscope.

This finding has helped scientists study the secret of the durability of the teeth because its mineral fibers are pressed into a very solid structure.

Scientists estimate the average strength of a tooth by 5GPa, which is equivalent to the pressure to turn carbon into diamond under the Earth's crust!

So what is the number of vertebrate teeth?

For vertebrates, sharks and dolphins are two species topping the list of their number of teeth. There are sharks with about 60 teeth including the upper and lower jaws of the teeth. In humans, the average number of teeth is from 28 to 32.

In white sharks, their number of teeth is up to a surprising number, 50 times that of other sharks. They have 3,000, triangular and very sharp teeth, about 7.5 cm, growing in the jaws and slightly inclined inward. Their teeth can create a force of about three tons on each cm2 for each bite.

Picture 7 of With 15,000 teeth - this is the world's most toothed creature
A shark can lose about 30,000 teeth throughout its life.

However, a shark can lose about 30,000 teeth throughout its life. Every time it loses a tooth, another tooth will spring up instead. Because when hunting, white sharks often create a very strong collision between it and prey, it is not surprising that we often find their teeth on the bottom of the sea.

Dolphins are also an animal with a large number of teeth, ranging from 80-100 units. Although famous for its friendly and docile image, dolphins are also predators like sharks and they often use their teeth to suck in prey and food.

Is the more teeth a species will produce a stronger bite force?

The answer is no, in fact, an animal with a strong bite is not related to its number of teeth.

For example, a bear weighs 115kg, has 30 teeth that create a strong force equivalent to the force of a white shark with about 3,000 teeth and weighs 2.250kg.

Picture 8 of With 15,000 teeth - this is the world's most toothed creature Picture 9 of With 15,000 teeth - this is the world's most toothed creature
An animal with a strong bite is not related to its number of teeth.

In the case of humans, a person's teeth have a weight of about 70 kilograms and have 32 teeth just equal to half the weight of the animal's teeth with the same weight.