Witness the giant star's death

The US Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) is focusing its attention on a star that may soon become a supernova more than 20,000 light years from Earth.

While Betelgeuse, the 8th brightest star in the night sky, will live another million years before being destroyed, another star is in a dying state.

Accordingly, why SBW1 is a fireball 20 times the size of the sun, and stars of this type often have short lifespans.

Picture 1 of Witness the giant star's death
The ring of gas surrounding the star is expected to explode into a supernova - (Photo: NASA)

Based on the Hubble telescope image transmitted to Earth, SBW1 is surrounded by a purple gas ring, a sign that it has removed the outer atmosphere.

26 years ago, NASA scientists also happened to discover another star that has many similarities to the current state of SBW1, before it exploded into a supernova event.

According to Space.com, Hubble's original images show that the star, called SN1987A , very much like SBW1, such as both has the same size ring around, the same age, moving at the same speed. space, and are located in ionized hydrogen-rich areas.

Can say SBW1 is the image of SN1987A before exploding.

Fortunately, SBW1 is more than 20,000 light-years from Earth, allowing astronomers to be assured of observing this grandiose event of the universe, and hope it will happen soon.