The world's largest radio telescope network is ready to operate phase 1 in the Atacama desert in northern Chile.

The US space shuttle program has undergone many stages of flight and slump for the past 30 years with mixed achievements and disasters.

A group of international astronomers has just announced the discovery of the oldest galaxy formed from 13.55 billion years ago.

Scientists using the Hubble telescope captured the beautiful image of the Tarantula nebula from close range.

Just by looking at the pictures below, you will see how good the Hubble telescope has been over time.

On April 25, 1990, the $ 2.5 billion Hubble space telescope went into operation after being launched from the Discovery spacecraft and into orbit Earth's 600km. This is the first

Hubble Space Telescope is a telescope flying in space around Earth orbit, taking pictures of distant and beautiful celestial bodies sent to Earth.

These realistic looking images have

The Hubble Space Telescope weighs 12 tons, about the size of a bus. It flew over orbit about 610 km above the ground at an average speed of 7500 m / sec. At this rate, Hubble flew

With these 15 images, you will see how wonderful the nature of our world is.