World Health Organization announced deadly pandemic Ebola has returned

After the death of the latest Ebola virus in Congo, the World Health Organization announced the Ebola epidemic was officially back.

According to the BBC quoted the World Health Organization, at least one person was killed after being infected with Ebola virus in northeastern Congo.

This is one of the most dangerous diseases worldwide. In 2014-2015, more than 11,000 people were killed when the Ebola epidemic broke out in West Africa, mainly in countries like Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia.

The latest outbreak of the Ebola epidemic in the Republic of Congo was in 2014, causing more than 40 deaths.

Picture 1 of World Health Organization announced deadly pandemic Ebola has returned
Of the 9 people killed by suspected Ebola virus infection, a case has been tested and definitely caused by Ebola virus.

Of the nine people suspected of being infected with the virus, three were killed with a definite case caused by the Ebola virus after being thoroughly tested at the national research lab, the capital of Kinshasa, WHO representative Congo Allarangar. Yokouide said in the latest statement.

People suspected of being infected with Ebola virus showed signs of illness from April 22 in Bas-Uele province. The area is 1,300km away from the capital Kinshasa, close to the border of the Central African republic.

"This is a very remote area and few people. Fortunately, the outbreak will not be able to burst quickly. However, this issue still needs to be carefully considered , " WHO spokesman Eric Kabambi told Reuters. .

Ebola was first identified in the Republic of Congo in 1976. Since then, there have been 9 outbreaks in this country. The government is on the way to handle it before it breaks out and spreads across the region.