Would you be able to solve the problem to your computer?

People are always smarter than computers. If you don't believe it, the problem below will prove to you.

According to Brightside, there is a puzzle problem sometimes used as a test in a number of computer courses and contestants can fully solve themselves. However, this problem makes it impossible for any machine to understand. Here is the problem:

Picture 1 of Would you be able to solve the problem to your computer?
This problem makes no machine understand.

Calculate the age of three sisters, if known:

  1. The age of three sisters together is 36;
  2. The age of three sisters together is 13;
  3. The oldest sister has blonde hair;

Can you solve this problem? Try giving the answer before reading the answer below.

The answer:

If the age of three sisters is 36, that means their age will fall into one of the following 8 cases:

  1. 36 = 2 x 3 x 6, the total age of three sisters is 11.
  2. 36 = 2 x 2 x 9, the total age of three sisters is 13.
  3. 36 = 4 x 9 x 1, the total age of three sisters is 14.
  4. 36 = 4 x 3 x 3, the total age of three sisters is 10.
  5. 36 = 18 x 2 x 1, the total age of three sisters is 21.
  6. 36 = 12 x 3 x 1, the total age of three sisters is 16.
  7. 36 = 6 x 6 x1, the total age of three sisters is 13.
  8. 36 = 36 x 1 x 1, the total age of three sisters is 38.

Based on the first data given that "Plus the age of three sisters together is 13" , we will have two cases that satisfy 2 + 2 +9 and 6 + 6 + 1.

This is the time when the "Big sister with blonde hair" is said to be useless at the beginning to work. This data shows that there will be only one older sister. In the above two cases, we see that 2 + 2 + 9 is a sister and two twins, while the case of 6 + 6 +1 is twins and one child.

Only one case can satisfy the requirements of the beginning. Thus, the answer of this problem will be a 9-year-old older sister and two twin sisters of the same age.