Computer problems on ISS have been fixed

On June 14, the computer that controlled the water supply and oxygen on the International Space Station (ISS) had a problem. The incident lasted several hours and the information on the computer was restored.

Speaking to reporters, Bill Jeffs, a spokesman for the US Aerospace Agency (NASA), said the problem arises when computers are not online. This unprecedented incident worries experts.

After careful consideration, Russian experts said the problem could be due to source problems, not software issues. The fact that the computer is not working properly may be due to the installation of a solar panel that American astronauts conducted during a walk out into space on June 13. However, Russian experts can use Russian servers on ISS to recover information on the computer.

Expected on June 15, astronauts will take the next walk out of the air to repair a broken insulation during the launch of Atlantis.

Picture 1 of Computer problems on ISS have been fixed
(Photo: ESA)