Young human plasma helps fight aging

According to New Scientist scientific journal, at the Conference of Neuroscience in San Diego, USA, researchers at Alkahest presented the results of a research and experiment of them, Accordingly, the plasma of young people can help rejuvenate mice, improve memory, thinking abilities and physical activity of older mice.

Scientists took blood samples from volunteer youths at the age of 18 and systematically plasmaed the bodies of 12-month-old mice, the same age in experimental mice as age 50 in humans.

Picture 1 of Young human plasma helps fight aging
Young human plasma can help regenerate nerve cells, help rejuvenate the brain, maintain memory.

At the age of 12 months, rats started showing signs of aging, slow movement, and poor tests. Human plasma is continued for mice twice a week. After 3 weeks, observing the mice, the scientists noticed some signs, the mice participating in the experiment were only equivalent to 3-month-old children.

In addition to the above improvements, scientists also found that neuronal regeneration is accelerated, ie the emergence of new neurons.

Researcher Sakura Minami, the author of the work, explained that young human plasma can help regenerate neurons, help rejuvenate the brain, maintain memory. And Victoria Bolotina, a researcher at Boston University, believes that the blood of young people must have something important in their composition that helps old mice to rejuvenate.

The team then examined the brains of treated and untreated mice. They look for clues about the birth of new neurons in the hippocampus region that are considered important for memory and learning. Certainly, in mice treated with plasma of young people created many new cells in the brain.

Researchers claim that the treatment of young human plasma can increase the growth of new neurons and hopefully apply this finding to anti-aging for the elderly.