4 drugs can be deadly if the combination is wrong

Antidepressants, pain relievers, fungal infections and muscle relaxants are drugs that must be very careful when used, because incorrect combinations can have serious, even fatal consequences.

According to data from the US Centers for Disease Control, nearly 28% of those aged 20-59 may have to use multiple drugs at the same time or at a certain time. Epidemiologist, Medical Doctor Leonard Paulozzi said that in some cases, the use of multiple drugs at the same time is necessary, but the wrong combination of these drugs can have serious consequences. Here is the article of Time magazine article about some information to keep in mind when combining drugs:

SSRIS + Opioids (antidepressants + analgesics)

Some antidepressants work by increasing the brain level of the "happy hormone" compound. Painkillers can have the same effect - leading to excessive use of substances with the same effect. Meanwhile, high levels of compound can provoke agitation, high body temperature, faster heartbeat and rapid breathing.

Picture 1 of 4 drugs can be deadly if the combination is wrong

Opioids + Benzodiazepines group drugs (analgesics + anti-anxiety drugs)

Both of these drugs act as antidepressants, which can help relieve pain and milder mood if you are too anxious or have severe pain - or you are too worried about being pain (for example, you're thinking about dental surgery). But these drugs can also reduce heart rate and breathing.

Statin + Fluconazole (cholesterol-lowering drugs + antifungal drugs)

Anyone with yeast infection (75% of people with this type of infection) can be very familiar with fluconazole (a fungal infection). Meanwhile, statins are one of the most prescription drugs in the world. The combination of this duo has the potential to cause muscle weakness or kidney damage.

Opioid + Benzodiazepines Carisoprodol (analgesic + anti-anxiety + muscle relaxant)

Most medical doctors know that this combination can be deadly. However, patients can still be prescribed all three drugs at the same time, as prescribed by different doctors. This is really very dangerous!

In addition to taking note of the above 4 dangerous combinations, you should also be cautious of other combinations that may be toxic, and always consult a doctor before mixing medications.