Scientists are trying to uncover the mystery of a pill found in a shipwreck dating back 2,000 years, in fact the tablet has been made from other plant herbs. together.

The drug has the effect of reversing the natural law of nature. People are looking forward to the future

The tablet is printed according to 3D technology that dissolves almost immediately when released into the water so it is suitable for patients with dysphagia.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on August 4 said it has granted the first license for a drug manufactured with 3D printing technology for the treatment of epilepsy.

Antidepressants, pain relievers, fungal infections and muscle relaxants are drugs that must be very careful when used, because incorrect combinations can have serious, even fatal

Scientists are convinced that they can help people forget the traumatic events of the past with a pill capable of erasing memories that cause suffering in the brain.

According to Digital Trends, a new 3D printer will allow pharmacies to create patient dosages based on their own needs extremely quickly and easily.