Catalyst can turn waste gas into fuel

The US team accidentally discovered a catalyst that could turn CO2 into ethanol for use in engines.

Scientists at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee have accidentally discovered a simple method of turning CO 2 into ethanol that can be used as fuel, according to the ChemistrySelect report. September 28.

While trying to find a complex chain of chemical reactions to turn CO 2 into a useful fuel, the team found that a catalyst they introduced to boost the reaction could perform the entire process on its own. this.

Picture 1 of Catalyst can turn waste gas into fuel
The reaction to turn CO2 into ethanol can be used in new technologies to prevent climate change.(Photo: Billy Wilson).

"This is an unexpected result because it is difficult to make ethanol from CO 2 with a single catalyst," said Adam Rondinone, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US Department of Energy.

The catalyst is made of carbon, copper and nitrogen by putting copper nanoparticles into a 50- 80 nanometer high carbon-nitrogen column. After passing the 1.2 Volt current, the catalyst could turn CO 2 into water into ethanol, an organic compound widely used as a fuel, up to 63% efficiency. .

"By using nanotechnology to organize common materials, we found a way to limit side effects and create the desired product," explains Adam Rondinone.

Picture 2 of Catalyst can turn waste gas into fuel
Scientists participated in the study.(Photo: ORNL).

This process has many advantages over methods of turning CO 2 into other fuels. The catalyst is made of cheap materials and can react at room temperature with low electrical requirements, so it can be applied to expand production on an industrial scale.

"This process allows you to use excess electricity to produce and store ethanol , " Rondinone said.

Ethanol can be used for generators and vehicles. The team intends to delve into the reaction of turning CO 2 into ethanol and try to increase its efficiency.