China's Thien Cung 2 Station is ready to fly into space

Thien Cung 2 space station and Chinh Truong 2 boosters were put on the launch pad, ready to fly into space to perform many important experiments.

Picture 1 of China's Thien Cung 2 Station is ready to fly into space
Design of Thien Cung 2 space station (Photo: PBS).

Sputnik News on September 12 reported that the Thien Cung 2 space station will participate in a rehearsal on September 18, simulating the situation before launching three hours, the time considered the most critical.

Parts of the space station and the Chinh Chinh 2 boosters are in good condition. As scheduled, Thien Cung 2 will depart in mid-September. The two astronauts will spend a month on the station and participate in two experiments.

During the time of operation, Thien Cung 2 will carry out 14 experiments focusing on cosmic materials and life in space. The station also acts as a precursor to the permanent space station under the control of people that China plans to put into operation from 2022.