China announced a plan to bring the new space station into orbit in the next few years, Newsweek said on May 31.

In the announcement on the night of March 31, European Space Agency ESA predicted Thien Cung 1 space station will fly into the Earth's atmosphere around 6:00 am on April 2, Vietnam

At 7:30 on April 2 (Vietnam time), the Chinese space station falls at a speed of about 26,000 km / hour and enters the atmosphere at an unspecified coordinates.

China's first experimental space station, Thien Cung 1, will fall back into the atmosphere from March 30 to April 6, according to experts.

Thien Cung 1, China's first space station is expected to fall to Earth within a few weeks.

Although it is forecasted early, at present, scientists still cannot accurately predict the fall position of Thien Cung 1 space station.

Based on detailed calculations, scientists believe that the risk of Thien Cung 1 falling down causes injury to very small people.

Experts predict China's 8.5-ton Thien Cung 1 space station will crash into Earth in early 2018.

China's Thien Cung 1 Station will not fall to the graveyard to bury the remains of most of the spacecraft and satellites that once orbit the Earth.

The Russian wreck caught fire in the sky of Dubai, causing many people to fear that it was the Chinese space station falling to Earth.