American astronaut and Russian colleague have successfully taken the space walk on the ISS station.

The plan to launch the space shuttle Discovery to the International Space Station (ISS) was delayed at least until March 15.

Space shuttle Discovery of the US Space Agency (NASA) yesterday left the launch pad in the state of Florida, performing a 14-day mission to complete the upgrade of the

The space shuttle Discovery darted into the night sky, leaving a huge trail of smoke below, beginning its mission to upgrade the 14-day ISS International Space Station.

Yesterday, 17 March, the Discovery spacecraft arrived at the International Space Station (ISS), carrying the last set of solar batteries to help ISS operate at maximum power.

The flight to Discovery Ship's International Space Station (ISS) has an additional flight

Yesterday, the International Space Station (ISS) completed the installation of the last solar battery pack designed as giant wings.

Skylab is the first US space station, developed by NASA aviation agency.

From the International Space Station, astronauts can see electric light from cities on earth, smoke from the crater and the heart of the storm.

Soichi Noguchi and Jose Hernandez, two travelers on the International Space Station, took many photos of the earth.