Discover the mysterious creature in the deepest area of ​​the Indian Ocean

Scientists have recently discovered a mysterious creature in the bottom of the deepest of the Indian Ocean, with large and long sea-like tentacles to adapt to the environment.

Victor Vescovo diver made the expedition to the bottom of the Java Trench - arguably the deepest point in the Indian Ocean - to serve Discovery's Five Deeps Expedition program.

In the murky depths of the Java Trench, Vescovo and his team discovered and recorded the video of "an unusual gelatin animal, unlike any other creature ever discovered" .

Alan Jamieson, the expedition chief, told CNN Travel: "It really looks like an artificial thing - the creature rolled out of the darkness and suddenly turned around, making us think" God, it's a jellyfish strange"".

Picture 1 of Discover the mysterious creature in the deepest area of ​​the Indian Ocean
The strange creature discovered by scientists at the bottom of the Indian Ocean.(Photo: Five Deeps Expedition).

After stumbling upon a group of Japanese scientists with the same discovery, Mr. Jamieson said: "We have come to the conclusion that this species is called tunicate, or sea level . because we are not sure what this is, but it seems that a sea squid used long tentacles to cling to the seabed, as well as lift its body off the seabed to filter food out of the water.

Jamieson concluded that this creature had adapted to the specific conditions within the Java Trench.

"Grooves are created by seismic battles - and usually sea squid species will cling to the seabed. If seismic happens now, animals are at risk of being buried. So, to adapt. With such a dangerous environment, the sea level must lift itself off the seabed, for this creature, they use long and large tentacles , " said Jamieson.

Five Deeps Expedition is part of the Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 project to map detailed world seabeds at the end of 2030. This year, the team explored 5,000 miles of Antarctic seabed and spent two week exploring the Indian Ocean. And the adventure is not over yet.

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